It’s About You After All

February 9, 2009

We’ve talked about the importance of having a mentor and of being other-centered when interacting with others.  Let’s now put the focus back on you.

The world is full of potential friends for you. You just have to meet them and make them feel that they like you. Friendship is a two-way street and you have to believe that you are a likeable person that people will want to get to know.

It doesn’t matter if you’re not fashionable or smart…you can win friends and influence people. First it starts with liking yourself. That can be easier said than done, of course. But find one thing you like about yourself. Then smile about it.

Smiling at people makes them feel important and everyone likes to feel important. People who smile more are more likely to have friends because they are more likely to look friendly and like they are fun to know. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Next, stay true to yourself.  Once you’ve decided what it is that you like about yourself, keep it that way. Yes, you should be flexible and adapt to accommodate people. But don’t sell your soul to the devil in the process. Don’t do things that you don’t feel are right for you. If you do, you won’t attract the kinds of friends you want: ones you can be yourself with and with whom you can relax and have fun.

If you can be confident in your looks, your ideas and your opinions you will soon have people interested in getting to know you better.

by Noel Jones

To get you started in liking yourself more, come and experience our life-changing training. Then, you’ll realize there’s so much about you haven’t yet discovered.

The 3 Keys to Ultimate Business Sucess (Key 2)

December 12, 2008

2. Relationships

Your biggest competitive advantage isn’t the quality of your products or services; it’s the number and strength of the relationships you have with prospects and clients. It’s the amount of confidence you command. So, where should your marketing be focused?

Focus 80-90% of your marketing efforts on relationship-building activities.

Typically, most marketing is aimed at getting the sale, not at building relationships or confidence. Big mistake! People need to first know you and trust you before they’ll buy from you. They need to be sure you’re the best company to buy from, and your product or service does what you say it does. Where confidence flows, money follows.

How do you gain someone’s confidence so he or she will buy from you? You help them get to know you through repeated contacts and demonstration of your expertise.

by Charlie Cook

Sales & Marketing Skills are now available at DMI. However, we will conduct it only on a project basis or with customization. So make sure you get a team of at least 15 people interested in this course!

How to Build Up Your Self-Confidence

May 21, 2008

Have you ever felt nervous when talking to a stranger or a crowd? I believe more or less you have! One of the main causes is lack of confidence. Yet, the real challenge is how to boost up your self-confidence under important circumstances like research paper presentation, thesis defense, job interview or business presentation. You may have prepared such items as smart suits, a brand-new belt, sufficient material, etc. Oops, you forget to prepare one critical thing that mainly contributes to your success: MINDSET.

How can a great-looking guy be well scored while his mental attitude doesn’t go along with his appearance? I meant you haven’t prepared to be self-confident enough to “please” your audience. The good news is that this attribute can be practiced and developed with these simple steps:

1 – Focus on what you want.

This is what most of us neglect. While preparing for our turn, we spend time thinking of how negatively you will end up. Don’t care about how people would react. They will judge you by the way you express yourself and keep positive about who you are.

2 – Visualize yourself succeeding

After taking three deep breathes, picture yourself with positive results. Everybody congratulates you. You handle all the questions asked by your audience. Usually this visualization brings us smile, mostly triggering to our positive expectations.

3 – Use alert signs

Psychologists affirm that, like animals, human beings are conditioned with some behaviors. For example, whenever you take a dog a dish with food, your pet will look at the dish with saliva. Do it again without food, the dog will keep mouthwatering at your dish! Why not do this with yourself? Try to use any sign meaning your self-confidence, like holding your hand tight or crossing your fingers.

4 – Repeat positive auto-suggestions

This technique is the easiest. Still, like other techniques, it needs exercising. Now try to say all these sentences and feel how they power you up:

I am confident.

I can do it.

I am a successful student/candidate/employee/businessman.

I’m enjoying brilliant results…

Don’t just say or do it once; repeat it until you feel energy coming from inside you. Your own mind can be prepared like other items and even developed to its fullest by exercises or trainings.

“You are the product of your thought.”Buddha

by Sithen Sum

Sithen is a motivational trainer and business development manager with DreamMakers International (DMI), a HR Developer company based in Singapore and operating in Indochina, including Cambodia. If you wish to learn more how to develop your self-confidence to its fullest, please contact him at 012 684 955 or or visit